
BY 2025

By 2025, at least 7 partner organizations or communities have strengthened organizational and structural capacities, particularly in the protection of the socioenvironmental rights of indigenous peoples, traditional communities, and quilombos.

BY 2025

By 2025, at least 2 indigenous and traditional community partners have a holistic set of tools to strengthen, protect and promote their cultural identities.

BY 2025

At least 2 indigenous women and traditional community partners have a holistic set of tools to strengthen, protect and promote their cultural identities.

BY 2025

By 2025, at least 2 ACT-Brasil partner organizations have their voices heard in the national and international media.


BY 2025

At least 3 partner communities have greater access to natural resources and rights that enhance collective well-being.

BY 2025

at least 3 partner communities are closer to achieving food sovereignty.


BY 2025

a network of indigenous communities and organizations, NGOs, local and government entities, which promotes the direct and/or indirect protection of a 12-million-hectare buffer zone adjacent to territories with the presence of Indigenous Peoples Living in Voluntary Isolation and Recent Contact, is established.

BY 2025

4 indigenous and traditional community territories have improved protection from external threats that lead to conserved ecosystems.

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